Terms & Conditions

Changes to these terms

The Friends of St. George’s reserve the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of these terms in whole or in part, at any time. Changes to the terms will be effective when notice of such changes is posted.


St George’s Church Jesmond has used utmost care to ensure and maintain the accuracy, completeness and currency of information published on this site. We, however, take no responsibility for any errors or omission, though if notified of any we will endeavour to rectify such.


The website may contain links to other sites. Although utmost care is exercised in providing links to sites that share our high standards, St George’s Church Jesmond shall not be responsible for the content, security, availability and privacy practices used by such linked sites.

The linked pages are provided for the convenience of our website users only and do not constitute an approval of their services or practices. Links from other web sites to our home page do not require prior permission from us but deep linking into any other page of our site should not be effected without prior permission from us.

Limitation of Liabilities

The operators of this website will not be liable to users or any third party for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential relating to or arising out of a visitor’s use of this website.

Support Us

Since establishing in 2008 the Friends has raised money towards two major projects:

  • the restoration of St. George’s West Window
  • Installation of new lighting in St George’s and cleaning of the interior

The Friends have contributed over £35,000 towards the costs to complete these projects but we need your help to continue the work we do supporting our Grade 1 listed church. Any donations are welecomed and appreciated

A digger in a field about to break into the soil